The WMAT-DOT, under the direction of the Tribal Council, was authorized under Tribal Council Resolution No. 09-2018-226 to take over control of road maintenance for all routes within the Fort Apache Reservation, by converting all BIA Owned Roads to WMAT Owned.
However, the BIA has not released the Right-of-Way due to various reasons. We anticipate the Right-of-Way will be fully released by the end of the Fiscal Year (September 30, 2019) and October 1, 2019 all Right-of-Way that was once BIA owned will be WMAT Owned. This change in ownership opens the door for WMAT-DOT to apply for additional grants to fund big project such as the reconstruction of 14.4 miles of Route 12 - Cibecue Road as well as develop standards and specifications that would allow for stronger and longer lasting roadways.
WMAT-DOT has been preparing to complete road maintenance for the past two years. To start we have established our Road Maintenance Program by hiring two Road Maintenance Workers, purchasing of equipment and we are proud to announce we have fully completed re-grading roadways to smooth the surface and restore the crown to 4% and drainage, grade and clean ditches and culverts to maintain drainage, on 75 miles of roadway in the past 6 weeks. We are very excited to share a few photos with you to see the positive impacts the change in Right-of-Way ownership will have.
WMAT DOT maintenance are currently in Winter Road Maintenance for the months of December - February (or when the snowfall starts and ends).
Elm tree removal is complete in spring, summer and early fall to help with visibility.
Pot hole patching occurs year round with weather permitting.